
5 Secret Tips To Keep Your Hair Healthy In Summer

Summer is almost here! It is the season when the hair needs to look perfect and a time to embrace the natural look. Voluminous, shiny locks are the easiest way to glam up your appearance in the summer season. But just like harmful sun rays can damage your skin, it can also damage your hair. However, in this season you can combat these few hair care challenges with some precautions. The main problem you face this season is the harsh summer heat that can damage your strands while giving you oily scalp and turning your locks green in contact with chlorine. Wearing a Hat in summer is also not good and if you still want to wear one then you must visit pitbullcap.com and get a Pitbull cap for yourself.

As soon as the summer season begins, your beautiful and voluminous locks are prone to easy damage and losing its sheen. But don’t worry!  We at The Changing Room Salon are here to your rescue and are sharing a few secret hair care tips for summer!


Whether you have short or long locks, the summer season can make the end of your stresses brittle and rough, and that does not look good. Summer is the best time to give yourself a good haircut or go for regular trims. This will keep your locks in a great condition and also reduce the chance of split ends. It also brings back life to your unhealthy hair. By the end of this season, your hair grows pretty well. If you are in Miami and want a good summer haircut, visit our hair experts at The Changing Room Salon and get a stylish haircut.


The sun in summer is enough to heat up your hair, so try to avoid using heating tools like blow dryers and flat irons as much as you can.  Try to go slow on a blow dryer. Use the blow dryer on a lower temperature and if you have to go all in for your regular blow dry then don’t forget to use heat  protection.


One of the best ways to protect your hair from the sun is covering them when you step out. Wear a scarf, cap or hat in order to screen hair from UV rays of the sun. Not suitable to your liking? Then make sure you use a leave-in conditioner with a sunscreen for hair. Covering up the hair reduces the damage that it caused by warm wind, and protects color-treated hair.


Washing your hair every day is not good and it’s not even recommended. A fine rinse with lukewarm or cold water can help you on days where you don’t use shampoo. In case your hair gets sweaty and greasy easily and you have to shampoo as there is no choice, go for a mild shampoo. Try to shampoo the scalp and not the hair.


Protect your locks and skin from excessive heat and humidity during the summer by drinking lots of water. Cary a water bottle when you step out and sip some water at regular intervals.


So are you ready to try these amazing tips this summer season?  We at The Changing Room Salon wish you a lovely summer and strong shiny hair! For best hair and beauty services, get in touch with us!